Saturday, March 27, 2010

Math is an integral part of daily life. We use math to go shopping when expected, distance to travel, cook a delicious recipe, a garden, or play. Children can learn mathematical concepts such as estimation, word problems, time and distance, measurement, and basic addition and subtraction in games. Here are six different kid math activity ideas that are simple and fun:

Counting games are putting jelly beans or candy in a large, clear glass. Children have views of theGlass and estimate the number of candy pieces, they might think in the jar. Then, as a group, count the candy and see who guessed the closest.

Play a guessing game with coins. Give each child a any kind of coins. Ask questions such as inserts, five of these coins up to a nickel. Gradually, more difficult questions to ask when the child masters each question. In addition to practice with the question of what do 35 cent coins, or how many pennies he or she is to you for a penny?

If you are traveling,pointed out, speed limits and distances from one place to another. Let's use a map and calculate how long it will take to travel between two cities. Children have to find out the time to go a certain distance when driving at different speeds.

Cooking is a wonderful way to practice math skills by many. Lets discuss helping them to measure out ingredients and groups with them. How many cups are in a quarter cup? Make a pizza and cut into eight slices. How many slices areit in half the pizza? Talk about cooking times and temperatures with children. Let's use a thermometer for cold or hot foods tested.

Have they will help with gardening and action to grow the size of the plants. You can use a tape measure or ruler to plant seeds at a certain distance apart. Or have children draw a diagram of her bedroom and measure how big the room. They measure the door, window, cabinet, etc.

Games like tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess, cards andDice games. These games can encourage counting, patterns and solve problems. A funny dice game has a funny drawing creature. To play the game, you need a pair of dice, plain paper, and markers. Children are the dice and add together the two numbers. Whatever the answer is that they take appropriate Creature Feature on their paper to draw.

Roll the sum of 2 and draw a nose
Roll the sum of 3 and draw a mouth
Roll the sum of 4 and represents the ears
Roll the sum of 5 or 6 andpull one leg
Roll the sum of 7 and represents a head
Roll the sum of 8 and pull hair
Roll the sum of 9 and represents a tail
Roll the sum of 10 or 11 and you draw an eye
Roll the sum of 12 and draw one arm

Each player must have at least six to create a funny creature. Then her creatures are discussing how many eyes or legs they have? You can even customize the statistics, the figures speak most came when rolling.

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